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Support & Accommodation

Supported Lodgings

This service provides family style accommodation to homeless young people and operates across the Liverpool City Region and North Wales.

Our Ethos

Young people are placed with registered ‘Householders’ who offer a room in their own home, with a shared kitchen and bathroom facilities. This is a successful option for group living. Each young person will receive support from their Householder and a Support Worker to prepare for independent living


Our Work

Our Supported Lodgings services rely on ‘Householders’ (families, couples or individuals) who offer a bedroom within their own home to a young homeless person, and provide practical and emotional support

Householders receive

Regular Support



Weekly Payment

The Weekly Payment

Goes towards to the costs of accommodating the young person


Get Help

People become homeless for a variety of reasons, the key thing is  to get help as soon as you can.

Supported Lodgings Provides:

Family style accommodation in a furnished room

Accommodation across Liverpool City Region and North Wales

Young people with their own room and use of shared kitchen and bathroom facilities

Support from a Householder and a Support Worker

Key Contacts

Liverpool Services

Support & Accommodation

Our aim is to ensure the support we provide is unique to the individual and tailored to their needs, helping them achieve personal goals, keeping them safe, maintaining tenancies.

Liverpool Services

Support & Accommodation

Our aim is to ensure the support we provide is unique to the individual and tailored to their needs, helping them achieve personal goals, keeping them safe, maintaining tenancies.

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