
Carers Centre

An unpaid carer is ‘somebody who provides support or who looks after a family member, partner or friend and who needs help because of their age, physical or mental illness or disability’ (Care Act 2014).

Liverpool Carers Centre

Liverpool Carers Centre was established by Local Solutions to deliver a range of services that improve the quality of life for unpaid carers in Liverpool. As well as undertaking carers assessments, our Carers Centre also offers a flexible support service that provides impartial advice & information. We can also signpost carers to specialist organizations depending on individual needs and circumstances

Every day another 12,000 people take on a caring responsibility.

Carers UK

Each year 2 million people take on a caring responsibility.

Carers UK

75% of Carers worry about continuing to juggle work and care  going forward.

Carers UK

What We Do

Liverpool Carers Centre delivers a city wide community based programme of activities and training that ensures a range of support is available to unpaid carers in Liverpool. This focuses on helping to reduce the impact of the caring role and promotes carers health and wellbeing. We work closely with other organisations, businesses and services to help achieve this.

What We Provide

We offer a range of weekly and monthly activities and training throughout the year which can be based at the Carers Centre or one of our community-based outreach hubs.

Becoming a carer can be a gradual process or one that may happen overnight. Whatever the circumstances, it is important that carers are recognised and feel supported.

Local Solutions Carers Centre is based at:

Carers Centre,
99 Edge Lane
L7 2PE

If you look after someone who couldn’t manage without your help, you are entitled to a carer’s assessment.

An assessment will give you a chance to think about what support you need and how your caring responsibilities affect your wellbeing and quality of life.

If you are aged 18 or above and care for someone who is a Liverpool resident, you can complete the assessment online here

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Liverpool Services


Local Solutions is a charity that generates and delivers services to support individuals, families and communities with a primary focus on those experiencing disadvantage, exclusion and vulnerability.

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