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Support & Accommodation


Independent Domestic Violence Advisors

Our Aim

The IDVA service is provided to people in the Liverpool area, aged 16 and over who have been identified as HIGH RISK of ongoing domestic abuse. Our aim is to provide a short/medium term service, to reduce the risk of domestic abuse and minimise the harmful effects that domestic abuse can have on individuals and families.
  • We are an independent service supporting high risk domestic abuse survivors.
  • We aim to reduce risk and repeated victimisation in order to reduce further incident.
  • We work in partnership with a range of services to provide the best support to all clients.
  • We provide advocacy and signposting on behalf of clients to other agencies.
  • We take referrals from the Police, Social Services and other agencies referring into the
    Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC).
  • We support anyone that is affected by domestic abuse regardless of gender identity, race,
    religion, beliefs, or sexual orientation.
  • We create and deliver bespoke training to professional workplaces within Liverpool.
  • Crisis intervention involving creating safety plans and undertaking risk assessments.
  • Helping clients to access refuge accommodation or increase security in their property so that they can continue to live safely at home.
  • Advice on legal options.
  • Support through the court process.
  • Representation at the MARAC as the voice of the victim.
  • Referral to other agencies for specific support and advice clothing, if appropriate.
  • Females and males aged between 16-24.
  • The LGBTQIA+ community.
  • People with disabilities.
  • People aged 55 and older.
  • Honour-based/culture specific
  • Complex lives.

Support For Victims Of Domestic Abuse

Confidential support, advice and information is available to all victims of domestic abuse including friends, family, work colleagues and employers

In Case of Emergency

The Silent Solution System:

Enables a 999 mobile caller who is too scared to make a noise or speak, to press 55 when prompted – to inform police they are in a genuine emergency.

Press 55

Refuge offer support & advice for victims Of domestic abuse:

For Female Victims:

For Male Victims:

Liverpool Services

Support & Accommodation

Our aim is to ensure the support we provide is unique to the individual and tailored to their needs, helping them achieve personal goals, keeping them safe, maintaining tenancies.

Liverpool Services

Support & Accommodation

Our aim is to ensure the support we provide is unique to the individual and tailored to their needs, helping them achieve personal goals, keeping them safe, maintaining tenancies.

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